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Service Configuration#

Listen Address & Port#

By default, the application listens on all network interfaces ( on port 9000. You can customize the listen address and port by editing the application.conf file as follows:


Specify the desired IP address and port based on your requirements.

Setting a Context Path#

If you are using a reverse proxy and need to define a specific context path (e.g., /thehive), you must update TheHive's configuration accordingly:


play.http.context: "/thehive"

This sets the base context path for accessing TheHive via the reverse proxy.

Configuring Streams for Reverse Proxies#

When using a reverse proxy like Nginx, you may encounter 504 Gateway Time-Out errors related to long polling. Adjust the stream.longPolling.refresh setting to resolve this issue:


stream.longPolling.refresh: 45 seconds

This setting controls the refresh interval for long-polling requests.

Using Web Proxy#

If you are employing an NGINX reverse proxy in front of TheHive, note that NGINX does not differentiate between text data and file uploads. To ensure proper handling, set the client_max_body_size parameter in your NGINX configuration file to accommodate the larger value between the file upload size and the text size defined in TheHive's application.conf

To configure client_max_body_size, follow these steps:

  1. Edit your NGINX configuration file. This file is typically located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf or within a specific server block configuration file.

  2. Locate the http block in the NGINX configuration file.

  3. Add or modify the client_max_body_size directive within the http block to specify the maximum allowable size for incoming requests. For example:

http {
    client_max_body_size 100M;  # Adjust to your desired value

For more detailed information, please refer to the article Limit File Upload Size in NGINX.