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Dashboards and Reporting#

TheHive comes with a reporting module that allows designing shared and private dashbords using various widgets for data visualisation. Reports can gather metrics from any data stored in TheHive like cases, alerts, tasks, observables...


Every user has read access to the dashboards defined in the organisation (s)he belongs to. If the manageDashboard permission is part of the user's profile, the user can create dashboards.

Create a dashboard#

Create dashboard

List dashboards#

List dashboards

View dashboard#

View dashboard

Configure widgets#

Configure widgets

Case timelines#

Case timelines are a second part of TheHive's reporting capabilities. Case timelines display any event that happened during the lifecycle of a given case:

  • Alert occurences
  • Case creation
  • Investigation start
  • Task completion
  • Flagged task logs
  • IoC sightings
  • Mitre Attack patterns
  • Additional custom events

Case timeline 1

Case timeline 2