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How to Edit a Case Template#

This topic provides step-by-step instructions for editing a case template in TheHive.

Required permissions for managing case templates

Only users with the manageCaseTemplate permission can manage case templates in TheHive.


  1. Go to the Organization view from the sidebar menu.

    Organization view

  2. Select the Templates tab.

    Organization templates

  3. Select the Cases tab.

    Organization templates cases

  4. Select next to the case template you want to edit.

  5. Select Edit.

  6. In the Editing a case template drawer, enter your new values in the following fields:

    A prefix that's automatically added to case titles. The prefix value isn't visible when creating a case from the template but applies after creation. Use it to categorize cases for reporting.

    Name *
    The name of the case template. This name identifies the case template in the API.

    Display name
    The name that appears when users select this template to create a new case or to apply it to an existing case. If you don't specify a display name, the case template name is used.

    TLP *
    The TLP level for the case. It guides analysts on how they can share case information.

    PAP *
    The PAP level for the case. It guides analysts on how they can use case data.

    The default severity level for cases.

    One or more tags to categorize cases. Only tags defined in the taxonomies are available for selection.

    Description *
    A description for cases.

    One or more tasks for cases.

    Custom fields
    One or more custom fields for cases, with or without predefined values.

    A page template to document cases.

  7. Select Confirm case template creation.

Next steps#