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How to write filtered events for notifications ?#

Filtered Event

Filtered event example: "Case severity has been updated to High or Critical"

Selecting “FilteredEvent” opens an empty field where we set our custom filter. The filters will apply to the audit of every actions that are happening in your organization. When there is a match, a notification is sent.


We recommend reading this blog post that introduces the capabilities of filtered events.

Anatomy of an audit#

An audit is presented as a json like this:

  "_id": "~327684328",
  "_type": "Audit",
  "_createdBy": "",
  "_createdAt": 1694441999960,
  "action": "update",
  "requestId": "74dc37479904ebe7:3957d351:18a847d4266:-8000:109",
  "rootId": "~327925760",
  "details": {
    "status": "InProgress",
    "stage": "InProgress"
  "objectId": "~327925760",
  "objectType": "Case",
  "object": {
    "_id": "~327925760",
    "_type": "Case",
    "_createdBy": "",
    "_updatedBy": "",
    "_createdAt": 1693412835689,
    "_updatedAt": 1694441999230,
    "number": 34,
    "title": "Behind themselves watch price take. I probably single service. Develop fear hotel real.",
    "description": "***Description***",
    "severity": 3,
    "severityLabel": "HIGH",
    "startDate": 1693151602000,
    "tags": [
    "flag": false,
    "tlp": 2,
    "tlpLabel": "AMBER",
    "pap": 1,
    "papLabel": "GREEN",
    "status": "InProgress",
    "stage": "InProgress",
    "assignee": "",
    "customFields": [],
    "userPermissions": [],
    "extraData": {},
    "newDate": 1693412835673,
    "inProgressDate": 1694441998841,
    "timeToDetect": 261233673,
    "timeToTriage": 1029163168,
    "timeToAcknowledge": 1290396841,
    "customFieldValues": {}
  "context": {
    "_id": "~327925760",
    "_type": "Case",
    "_createdBy": "",
    "_updatedBy": "",
    "_createdAt": 1693412835689,
    "_updatedAt": 1694441999230,
    "number": 34,
    "title": "Behind themselves watch price take. I probably single service. Develop fear hotel real.",
    "description": "***Description***",
    "severity": 3,
    "severityLabel": "HIGH",
    "startDate": 1693151602000,
    "tags": [
    "flag": false,
    "tlp": 2,
    "tlpLabel": "AMBER",
    "pap": 1,
    "papLabel": "GREEN",
    "status": "InProgress",
    "stage": "InProgress",
    "assignee": "",
    "customFields": [],
    "userPermissions": [],
    "extraData": {},
    "newDate": 1693412835673,
    "inProgressDate": 1694441998841,
    "timeToDetect": 261233673,
    "timeToTriage": 1029163168,
    "timeToAcknowledge": 1290396841,
    "customFieldValues": {}
  "organisation": {
    "organisationId": "~4169864",
    "organisation": "Pulp Fiction"

Audit fields:

  • _id: id of the audit
  • _type: always Audit
  • _createdBy: Author of the action
  • action: nature of the action. Can be create, update, delete, merge or invoke (for functions)
  • requestId: Id of the http request
  • details: a json object that contains the changes made on the object
  • objectId: _id of the object that was impacted by the action
  • objectType: _type of the object
  • object: full description of the object (after the modification)
  • rootId: _id of the top most object. For instance if a task is updated, this will be the _id of the case
  • context: context of the audit. This depends on what object is updated / created.
  • organisation: details about the organization where this action happened

Writing a filter#

Filters must be JSON formatted and can use following operators:

  • _and
  • _or
  • _not
  • _any
  • _lt
  • _gt
  • _lte
  • _gte
  • _eq
  • _is
  • _startsWith
  • _endsWith
  • _between
  • _in
  • _contains
  • _like
  • _has
  • _empty

Field selection#

When targeting a field, you can use a . notation to walk inside the json object.

For instance object.severity will get the field severity in the json:

  "object": {
    "severity": 3


{"_and": [
  { ... filterA },
  { ... filterB }

Returns true when all filters (filterA and filterB) return true


{"_or": [
  { ... filterA },
  { ... filterB }

Returns true when one filters (filterA or filterB) return true


{"_not": {... filterA} }

Inverse the result of filterA


{  "_any": "" }

Returns always true, useful for testing

_lt, _gt, _lte, _gte#

{ "_lt": { "foo" : 42 } }

Returns true when field foo is strictly lower than 42

_eq, _is#

_eq is an alias for _is

{ "_eq": { "foo": 42 } }

Returns true when field foo is equal to 42.

{ "_eq": { "foo": "LOW" } }

Returns true when field foo is equal to "LOW".

Also works with arrays:

{ "_eq": { "tags": ["foo", "bar"] } }

Returns true when field tags will be equal to ["foo", "bar"]

_startsWith, _endsWith#

{ "_startsWith": { "foo": "LOW" } }

Check that field foo starts with string "LOW"


{ "_like": { "foo": "*ice" } }

Returns true when field foo ends with "lce"

{ "_like": { "foo": "ali*" } }

Returns true when field foo starts with "ali"

{ "_like": { "foo": "*lce*" } }

Returns true when field foo contains with "lce"


{ "_between": { "_field": "foo", "_from": 0, "_to": 2 } }

Check that field foo is between 0 and 2 (_from <= value < _to). Only works when foo is a number


{ "_in": { "_field": "foo", "_values": ["foo", "bar"] } }

Checks that field foo is either foo or bar.

This also works with numbers:

{ "_in": { "_field": "foo", "_values": [1, 42] } }

_in can also be used when the field is an array:

{ "_in": { "_field": "tags", "_values": ["foo", "bar"] } }
{"tags": ["foo"] } ==> true
{"tags": ["bar", "baz"] } ==> true
{"tags": ["alice", "bob"] } ==> false


{ "_contains": { "foo": "LOW" } }

Check that field foo contains the value "LOW". This works with string and arrays of string.

{"foo": "LOWER" } ==> true
{"foo": ["bar", "LOW"] } ==> true
{"foo": ["bar", "LOWER"] } ==> false


{ "_has": "foo" }

Returns true when json object has a field named foo


{ "_empty": "foo" }

Returns true when field foo is either [] or "" or null.

It will return false if the field is not defined. For this use case, use {"_not": {"_has": "foo" } }


  • An alert is closed but no assignee was defined
    "_and": [
            "_is": {
                "objectType": "Alert"
            "_is": {
                "details.stage": "Closed"
            "_not": {
                "_has": "object.assignee"
            "_not": {
                "_has": "details.assignee"
  • An observable was updated with a report from the analyzer Crt_sh_Transparency_Logs_1_0
    "_and": [
            "_is": {
                "action": "update"
            "_is": {
                "objectType": "Observable"
            "_has": "details.reports.Crt_sh_Transparency_Logs_1_0"
  • Responder has finished
    "_and": [
            "_is": {
                "action": "update"
            "_is": {
                "objectType": "Action"
            "_or": [
                    "_is": {
                        "details.status": "Success"
                    "_is": {
                        "details.status": "Failure"
  • Case is updated with a status TruePositive or FalsePositive and the custom field business-unit is either Sales or Marketing
    "_and": [
            "_is": {
                "action": "update"
            "_is": {
                "objectType": "Case"
            "_or": [
                    "_is": {
                        "details.status": "TruePositive"
                    "_is": {
                        "details.status": "FalsePositive"
            "_or": [
                    "_is": {
                        "": "Sales"
                    "_is": {
                        "": "Marketing"
  • The analyzer EmlParser_2_1 finishes with a Success
        "_and": [
                "_is": {
                    "objectType": "Job"
                "_is": {
                    "object.analyzerName": "EmlParser_2_1"
                "_is": {
                    "object.status": "Success"