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Send notifications to a MS Teams channel#

Using Microsoft Teams as Notifier requires to create at least one endpoint. This endpoint defines how TheHive will connect to MS Teams.

Prepare Microsoft Teams#


In this example, we are creating an incoming webhook in a dedicated channel named thehive.

Create an enpoint#

In the Organisation configuration view, open the Endpoints tab. Then, click on the button to create a new Notifier.

Enpoints list

Enpoint configuration#

Choose Teams and complete required information.

Teams endpoint configuration

  • Name: give a unique name to the endpoint
  • URL: specify the URL to connect to your MS Teams ; This is the URL copied while creating the incoming webhook in Teams
  • Auth Type: Use Basic authentication to connect to this endpoint, or use Key or Bearer method
  • Proxy settings: choose to use a web proxy to connect to this endpoint
  • Certificate authorities: add custom Certificate Authorities if required (PEM format)
  • SSL settings: disable Certificate Authority checking and/or checks on hostnames

Then, click confirm to create the endpoint.

Notification configuration#

When creating a Notification select Teams/ENDPOINT (with ENDPOINT the name of the endpoint created) as Notifier and complete the form.

Choose Teams

TheHive uses Handlebars to let you build templates with input data, and this can be used in most of all fields of the form:

  • Endpoint: choose the endpoint to use
  • Text template: This is required, even if an adaptive card template is filled. This is used in the summary part, in notifications. Format is plain text.
  • Adaptive card template:
    • Available format are: JSON, Markdown and Plain text
    • Click Add variable to select a variable to insert in the template

Example: template used to display notification when a new Case is created

"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"body": [
    "type": "TextBlock",
    "size": "Medium",
    "weight": "Bolder",
    "text": "#{{object.number}}: {{object.title}}",
    "horizontalAlignment": "Left",
    "spacing": "None",
    "wrap": true
    "type": "ColumnSet",
    "columns": [
        "type": "Column",
        "items": [
            "type": "TextBlock",
            "weight": "Bolder",
            "text": "{{object._createdBy}}",
            "fontType": "Default",
            "color": "Accent",
            "spacing": "None"
            "type": "TextBlock",
            "spacing": "None",
            "text": "Created {{dateFormat object._createdAt "EEEE d MMMM, k:m Z" locale="en" tz="Europe/Paris"}}",
            "isSubtle": true,
            "wrap": true,
            "fontType": "Default",
            "weight": "Default",
            "size": "Default"
    "type": "FactSet",
    "facts": [
        "title": "severity",
        "weight": "Bolder",
        "value": "{{ severityLabel object.severity}}"
        "title": "TLP",
        "weight": "Bolder",
        "value": "{{ tlpLabel object.tlp}}"
    "type": "TextBlock",
    "weight": "Bolder",
    "text": "Description",
    "spacing": "Large",
    "wrap": true,
    "horizontalAlignment": "Left"
    "type": "TextBlock",
    "text": "{{object.description}}",
    "spacing": "None",
    "wrap": true,
    "horizontalAlignment": "Left",
    "maxLines": 3
"actions": [
    "type": "Action.OpenUrl",
    "title": "Open Case in TheHive",
    "iconUrl": "",
    "url": "{{url}}",
    "style": "positive"
"$schema": "",
"version": "1.5"

Used with the trigger Case created, this template will create a card like this in Microsoft Teams:

MS Teams card


Write MS Teams active Cards#

Use as a starting point to design your adaptive card

Format dates#

Format other custom data from TheHive#

Few data custom to TheHive can be properly displayed using custom string handlers together with object data in notifications:

  • tlpLabel to display the TLP value (example: {{tlpLabel object.tlp}})
  • papLabel to display the PAP value (example: {{papLabel object.pap}})
  • severityLabel to display the severity value (example: {{severityLabel object.severity}})

Finish registering this notifier by clicking on the Confirm button.