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Akka is a powerful toolkit designed for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications in Java and Scala.

Akka plays a crucial role in enabling multiple nodes of TheHive to communicate with each other seamlessly, thereby enhancing the overall user experience.

Basic Configuration#

For a reliable cluster setup, it's essential to have a minimum of three nodes for TheHive application. Each node should be configured with Akka as outlined below:

## Akka server
akka {
  cluster.enable = on
  actor {
    provider = cluster
  remote.artery {
    canonical {
      hostname = "<HOSTNAME OR IP_ADDRESS>"
      port = 2551
# seed node list contains at least one active node
  cluster.seed-nodes = [ "akka://application@HOSTNAME1:2551", "akka://application@HOSTNAME2:2551", "akka://application@HOSTNAME3:2551" ]

In this configuration:

  • remote.artery.hostname should be set to the hostname or IP address of the node.
  • cluster.seed-nodes should contain the same list of Akka nodes, ensuring consistency across all nodes.

Configuration of a Cluster with 3 Nodes

Akka configuration for Node 1:

akka {
    cluster.enable = on
    actor {
      provider = cluster
    remote.artery {
      canonical {
          hostname = ""
          port = 2551
    # seed node list contains at least one active node
    cluster.seed-nodes = [ "akka://application@", "akka://application@", "akka://application@" ]

Akka configuration for Node 2:

akka {
    cluster.enable = on
    actor {
    provider = cluster
    remote.artery {
    canonical {
        hostname = ""
        port = 2551
    # seed node list contains at least one active node
    cluster.seed-nodes = [ "akka://application@", "akka://application@", "akka://application@" ]

Akka configuration for Node 3:

akka {
    cluster.enable = on
    actor {
    provider = cluster
    remote.artery {
    canonical {
        hostname = ""
        port = 2551
    # seed node list contains at least one active node
    cluster.seed-nodes = [ "akka://application@", "akka://application@", "akka://application@" ]

SSL/TLS Support#

Akka offers robust support for SSL/TLS encryption, guaranteeing secure communication between nodes. Below, you'll find a standard configuration to enable SSL/TLS support:

## Akka server
akka {
  cluster.enable = on
  actor {
    provider = cluster
  remote.artery {
    transport = tls-tcp
    canonical {
      hostname = "<HOSTNAME OR IP_ADDRESS>"
      port = 2551

    ssl.config-ssl-engine {
      key-store = "<PATH TO KEYSTORE>"
      trust-store = "<PATH TO TRUSTSTORE>"

      key-store-password = "chamgeme"
      key-password = "chamgeme"
      trust-store-password = "chamgeme"

      protocol = "TLSv1.2"
# seed node list contains at least one active node
  cluster.seed-nodes = [ "akka://application@HOSTNAME1:2551", "akka://application@HOSTNAME2:2551", "akka://application@HOSTNAME3:2551" ]


Note that akka.remote.artery.transport has changed and akka.ssl.config-ssl-engine needs to be configured.

For more details, refer to: Akka Remoting with Artery - Remote Security

Certificate Considerations

Ensure you use your internal PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) or keytool commands to generate certificates.

For detailed instructions, see: Using keytool for Certificate Generation

Your server certificates should include the following KeyUsage and ExtendedkeyUsage extensions for proper functioning:

  • KeyUsage extensions
    • nonRepudiation
    • dataEncipherment
    • digitalSignature
    • keyEncipherment
  • ExtendedkeyUsage extensions
    • serverAuth
    • clientAuth

Akka Configuration with SSL/TLS for Node 1

## Akka server
akka {
  cluster.enable = on
  actor {
    provider = cluster
  remote.artery {
    transport = tls-tcp
    canonical {
      hostname = ""
      port = 2551

    ssl.config-ssl-engine {
      key-store = "/etc/thehive/application.conf.d/certs/"
      trust-store = "/etc/thehive/application.conf.d/certs/internal_ca.jks"

      key-store-password = "chamgeme"
      key-password = "chamgeme"
      trust-store-password = "chamgeme"

      protocol = "TLSv1.2"
# seed node list contains at least one active node
  cluster.seed-nodes = [ "akka://application@", "akka://application@", "akka://application@" ]

Ensure to apply the same principle for configuring other nodes, and remember to restart all services afterward.