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File Storage Configuration#

TheHive offers flexible configurations for file storage, accommodating both local and distributed filesystem setups.

To configure TheHive to use a local or NFS (Network File System) storage:

1. Create a dedicated folder named files, ensuring it is owned by the user and group thehive:thehive.

    mkdir /opt/thp/thehive/files
    chown thehive:thehive /opt/thp/thehive/files

2. Configure TheHive accordingly in the YAML configuration file:

    ## Attachment storage configuration
    storage {
      ## Local filesystem
      provider: localfs
      localfs {
        location: /opt/thp/thehive/files

For Min.IO integration with TheHive, follow these steps:

1. Install a Min.IO cluster. Follow [**these step-by-step**](../installation/ instructions.
2. Configure each node of TheHive accordingly:

    ```yaml title="/etc/thehive/application.conf with TheHive 5.0.x"
    ## Attachment storage configuration
    storage {
      provider: s3
      s3 {
        bucket = "thehive"
        readTimeout = 1 minute
        writeTimeout = 1 minute
        chunkSize = 1 MB
        endpoint = "http://<IP_MINIO_1>:9100"
        accessKey = "thehive"
        secretKey = "password"
        region = "us-east-1"
    alpakka.s3.access-style = path

    ```yaml title="/etc/thehive/application.conf with TheHive > 5.0"
    storage {
      provider: s3
      s3 {
        bucket = "thehive"
        readTimeout = 1 minute
        writeTimeout = 1 minute
        chunkSize = 1 MB
        endpoint = "http://<IP_MINIO_1>:9100"
        accessKey = "thehive"
        aws.credentials.provider = "static"
        aws.credentials.secret-access-key = "password"
        access-style = path
        aws.region.provider = "static"
        aws.region.default-region = "us-east-1"


  - The configuration remains backward compatible.

  - The default region is us-east-1, but it's optional if not specified in the MinIO configuration.