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Download TheHive#

TheHive is available in multiple binary package formats, allowing for seamless installation on various operating systems. Below are the available options for obtaining and installing TheHive on different platforms.

Debian / Ubuntu#

If you are running an operating system based on Debian/Ubuntu, TheHive can be installed by following the steps in the Step-by-Step Installation Guide. These steps will guide you through the necessary configurations and prerequisites to get TheHive fully operational.


RedHat Enterprise Linux / Fedora#

If you are running an operating system based on RedHat or Fedora, TheHive can be installed by following the steps in the Step-by-Step Installation Guide. These steps will guide you through the necessary configurations and prerequisites to get TheHive fully operational.

Note: Make sure to select the correct RPM tab when following the step-by-step instructions to ensure the proper commands are used.



If you prefer using Docker, you can leverage pre-built Docker images available on Docker Hub for convenient deployment and containerization of TheHive.

The Docker image can be found on TheHive Docker Hub, and instructions to run it can be found here. These steps will guide you through the necessary configurations and prerequisites to get TheHive fully operational.



If you prefer using Kubernetes, you can leverage pre-built Docker images available on Docker Hub for convenient deployment and containerization of TheHive.

The Docker image can be found on TheHive Docker Hub, and instructions to run it on Kubernetes can be found here. These steps will guide you through the necessary configurations and prerequisites to get TheHive fully operational.