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Like TheHive, Cortex supports local, LDAP, Active Directory (AD), X.509 SSO and/or API keys for authentication and OAuth2.

Please note that API keys can only be used to interact with the Cortex API (for example when TheHive is interfaced with a Cortex instance, it must use an API key to authenticate to it). API keys cannot be used to authenticate to the Web UI. By default, Cortex relies on local credentials stored in Elasticsearch.

Authentication methods are stored in the auth.provider parameter, which is multi-valued. When a user logs in, each authentication method is tried in order until one succeeds. If no authentication method works, an error is returned and the user cannot log in.

The default values within the configuration file are:

auth {
  # "provider" parameter contains authentication provider. It can be multi-valued (useful for migration)
  # available auth types are:
  # services.LocalAuthSrv : passwords are stored in user entity (in Elasticsearch). No configuration is required.
  # ad : use ActiveDirectory to authenticate users. Configuration is under "" key
  # ldap : use LDAP to authenticate users. Configuration is under "auth.ldap" key
  # oauth2 : use OAuth/OIDC to authenticate users. Configuration is under "auth.oauth2" and "auth.sso" keys
  provider = [local]

  # By default, basic authentication is disabled. You can enable it by setting "method.basic" to true.
  method.basic = false

  ad {
    # The name of the Microsoft Windows domain using the DNS format. This parameter is required.
    #domainFQDN = "mydomain.local"

    # Optionally you can specify the host names of the domain controllers. If not set, Cortex uses "domainFQDN".
    #serverNames = [ad1.mydomain.local, ad2.mydomain.local]

    # The Microsoft Windows domain name using the short format. This parameter is required.
    #domainName = "MYDOMAIN"

    # Use SSL to connect to the domain controller(s).
    #useSSL = true

  ldap {
    # LDAP server name or address. Port can be specified (host:port). This parameter is required.
    #serverName = "ldap.mydomain.local:389"

    # If you have multiple ldap servers, use the multi-valued settings.
    #serverNames = [ldap1.mydomain.local, ldap2.mydomain.local]

    # Use SSL to connect to directory server
    #useSSL = true

    # Account to use to bind on LDAP server. This parameter is required.
    #bindDN = "cn=cortex,ou=services,dc=mydomain,dc=local"

    # Password of the binding account. This parameter is required.
    #bindPW = "***secret*password***"

    # Base DN to search users. This parameter is required.
    #baseDN = "ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=local"

    # Filter to search user {0} is replaced by user name. This parameter is required.
    #filter = "(cn={0})"

  oauth2 {
    # URL of the authorization server
    #clientId = "client-id"
    #clientSecret = "client-secret"
    #redirectUri = "https://my-cortex-instance.example/api/ssoLogin"
    #responseType = "code"
    #grantType = "authorization_code"

    # URL from where to get the access token
    #authorizationUrl = ""
    #tokenUrl = ""

    # The endpoint from which to obtain user details using the OAuth token, after successful login
    #userUrl = ""
    #scope = ["openid profile"]

  # Single-Sign On
  sso {
    # Autocreate user in database?
    #autocreate = false

    # Autoupdate its profile and roles?
    #autoupdate = false

    # Autologin user using SSO?
    #autologin = false

    # Name of mapping class from user resource to backend user ('simple' or 'group')
    #mapper = group
    #attributes {
    #  login = "user"
    #  name = "name"
    #  groups = "groups"
    #  organization = "org"
    #defaultRoles = ["read"]
    #defaultOrganization = "csirt"
    #groups {
    #  # URL to retreive groups (leave empty if you are using OIDC)
    #  #url = ""
    #  # Group mappings, you can have multiple roles for each group: they are merged
    #  mappings {
    #    admin-profile-name = ["admin"]
    #    editor-profile-name = ["write"]
    #    reader-profile-name = ["read"]
    #  }

    #mapper = simple
    #attributes {
    #  login = "user"
    #  name = "name"
    #  roles = "roles"
    #  organization = "org"
    #defaultRoles = ["read"]
    #defaultOrganization = "csirt"


# Maximum time between two requests without requesting authentication
session {
  warning = 5m
  inactivity = 1h

OAuth2/OpenID Connect#

To enable authentication using OAuth2/OpenID Connect, edit the application.conf file and supply the values of auth.oauth2 according to your environment. In addition, you need to supply:

  • auth.sso.attributes.login: name of the attribute containing the OAuth2 user's login in retreived user info (mandatory)
  • name of the attribute containing the OAuth2 user's name in retreived user info (mandatory)
  • auth.sso.attributes.groups: name of the attribute containing the OAuth2 user's groups (mandatory using groups mappings)
  • auth.sso.attributes.roles: name of the attribute containing the OAuth2 user's roles in retreived user info (mandatory using simple mapping)

Important note

Authenticate the user using an external OAuth2 authenticator server. The configuration is:

  • clientId (string) client ID in the OAuth2 server.
  • clientSecret (string) client secret in the OAuth2 server.
  • redirectUri (string) the url of TheHive AOuth2 page (.../api/ssoLogin).
  • responseType (string) type of the response. Currently only "code" is accepted.
  • grantType (string) type of the grant. Currently only "authorization_code" is accepted.
  • authorizationUrl (string) the url of the OAuth2 server.
  • authorizationHeader (string) prefix of the authorization header to get user info: 'Bearer' by default
  • tokenUrl (string) the token url of the OAuth2 server.
  • userUrl (string) the url to get user information in OAuth2 server.
  • scope (list of string) list of scope.

Example configuration for SSO w/ Oauth2 & Github

auth {

  provider = [local, oauth2]


  sso {
    autocreate: false
    autoupdate: false
    mapper: "simple"
    attributes {
      login: "login"
      name: "name"
      roles: "role"
    defaultRoles: ["read", "analyze"]
    defaultOrganization: "demo"
  oauth2 {
    name: oauth2
    clientId: "Client_ID"
    clientSecret: "Client_ID"
    redirectUri: "http://localhost:9001/api/ssoLogin"
    responseType: code
    grantType: "authorization_code"
    authorizationUrl: ""
    tokenUrl: ""
    userUrl: ""
    scope: ["user"]
