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Change Index from Lucene to Elasticsearch#

Lucene index support was removed starting from TheHive version 5.1. Follow this procedure to change your index to Elasticsearch. This procedure is compatible with any 5.x version.

Setup Your Elasticsearch Server#

Please refer to our installation manual or use your own server. Ensure that Elasticsearch is started.

Update TheHive Configuration#

Update your /etc/thehive/application.conf file:

# Update this configuration section
db.janusgraph {
    # Retain this section for now, as TheHive will need it to migrate the index correctly {
        backend: lucene
        directory: ...

    # Add this section below the Lucene configuration {
        backend: elasticsearch
        # Hostname(s) of your Elasticsearch server(s)
        hostname: ["localhost"]
        # Default is "thehive"
        index-name: thehive

Refer to the configuration reference for more options.

Update your Docker arguments:

# Docker compose file
    # ... other args
    - "--index-backend"
    - "elasticsearch"
    - "--es-hostnames"
    - "elasticsearch"

Restart TheHive Application#

TheHive will detect the index change, create the new index in Elasticsearch, and start reindexing the documents into the new index. This process may take some time depending on the size of your database.

In your logs, you should see the following lines:

[warn] o.j.d.c.b.ReadConfigurationBuilder [] Local setting (Type: GLOBAL_OFFLINE) is overridden by globally managed value (lucene). Use the ManagementSystem interface instead of the local configuration to control this setting.

During the reindexing process, you will see lines similar to these (the name global1 may be different for you):

[info] o.j.g.o.j.IndexRepairJob [] Index global1 metrics: success-tx: 110 doc-updates: 10992 succeeded: 10992
[info] o.j.g.o.j.IndexRepairJob [] Index global1 metrics: success-tx: 111 doc-updates: 10992 succeeded: 10992
[info] o.j.g.d.m.ManagementSystem [] Index update job successful for [global1]

Finally, the application will start listening on the HTTP port, and you will be able to access the interface.

Remove the Lucene Configuration#

Once the reindexing is complete, you can remove the Lucene configuration from your configuration file.

Update your /etc/thehive/application.conf file:

# Update this configuration section
db.janusgraph {
    # Delete this section now {
        backend: lucene
        directory: ...

    # Retain this section {
        backend: elasticsearch
        # Hostname(s) of your Elasticsearch server(s)
        hostname: ["localhost"]
        # Default is "thehive"
        index-name: thehive