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Monitoring TheHive#

Monitoring your TheHive instance enables you to gather essential metrics regarding its performance, including request times, CPU usage, and memory utilization.

TheHive leverages the Kamon library for monitoring purposes, which is disabled by default.

TheHive includes integration with the Prometheus reporter out-of-the-box. Other reporters are not included. If you wish to have a specific reporter included by default in TheHive, please contact us.

Configuring Metrics with Prometheus and Grafana#

Grafana Dashboard

To configure TheHive for metrics reporting, add the following section to your application.conf file:

kamon {
    # Activate Kamon module - disabled by default
    enabled = true

    # Enable the Prometheus reporter
    modules {
      prometheus-reporter.enabled = yes

    environment.tags {
        # Configure additional tags to be sent to Prometheus 
        # See
        # Example: env = prod

    # Reference:
    prometheus {
      include-environment-tags = true
      # Start an embedded server on the specified port. 
      # If using Docker, ensure this port is accessible
      embedded-server {
        hostname =
        port = 9095

You will need to restart TheHive for the configuration changes to take effect.

To verify that the Prometheus reporter is functioning correctly, navigate to http://THEHIVE:9095/metrics. You should see a list of metrics reported by TheHive.


Prometheus configuration#

Add the scrape configuration to prometheus configuration prometheus.yml

  # ...  other scrape configs 

  - job_name: 'thehive'
    scrape_interval: 30s
      - targets: ['THEHIVE:9095'] # set the ip or hostname for TheHive

In a dynamic environment like kubernetes, the TheHive service can be automatically discovered by prometheus. You can enable this with labels on your pod or by adding a PodMonitor resource. See the adaquate documentation: Prometheus configuration or Prometheus operator


Grafana configuration#

  • Make sure that prometheus is setup as a Datasource inside Grafana
  • Import dashboards or create your own. We recommend the following dashboards (these dashboards were not created by Strangebee):

    • Kamon 2.x - API dashboard: see API metrics like throughoutput, latency, % of error status. Note that TheHive frontend uses long polling, some requests take 60 seconds and they will appear as outliers in this dashboard
    • Kamon 2.x - System metrics dashboard: see info about CPU or memory usage, JVM metrics like Heap usage or GC
    • Kamon 2.x - Akka: info about Akka system, actors, processing time

    To make these dashboards work, you may need to edit the dashboard variables