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How to Share a Case with Other Organizations#

This topic provides step-by-step instructions for configuring local sharing rules with linked organizations for an existing case in TheHive.

Global sharing rules

This guide focuses on local sharing rules for individual existing cases. To configure global sharing rules for all cases in your organization, refer to How to Link an Organization.

To learn more about how sharing rules function and interact, refer to the About Organizations Sharing Rules topic.

Required permissions for setting local sharing rules

Only users with the manageCase/update and manageShare permissions can modify sharing rules of an existing case in TheHive.


  1. Locate the case you want to share.

  2. On the case description, select the Sharing button.

    Sharing a case

  3. Select the tasks sharing rules to apply.

    Pick an option from the dropdown list:
    - manual (default): Tasks aren't shared automatically. Users must share them manually.
    - autoShare: Tasks are shared automatically.

  4. Select the observables sharing rules to apply.

    Pick an option from the dropdown list:
    - manual (default): Observables aren't shared automatically. Users must share them manually.
    - autoShare: Observables are shared automatically.

    Task and observable sharing scope

    Task and observable sharing rules apply to all linked organizations the case is shared with.

  5. Select Confirm.

  6. Select Manage case sharings.

  7. Turn on the Share this case toggle for each relevant organization and select the appropriate permission profile.

  8. Select Confirm.

Next steps#