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How to Share an Observable with Other Organizations#

This topic provides step-by-step instructions for manually sharing an observable in a shared case with linked organizations in TheHive.

Shared cases only

To share an observable manually, the case must already be shared with the relevant linked organizations. If not, refer to How to Share a Case.

This is useful when observable sharing rules are set to manual, ensuring that users share only the relevant observables.

To learn more about how sharing rules function and interact, see the About Organizations Sharing Rules topic.

Required permissions for setting local sharing rules

Only users with the manageCase/update and manageShare permissions can modify sharing rules of an existing case in TheHive.


  1. Locate the shared case where you want to share the observable.

  2. Go to the Observables tab.

  3. Move through the Shares section.

  4. Select .

  5. Select the linked organization to share the observable with.

  6. Select Add share.

Next steps#