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List of Incidents#

After you login to TheHive application, you can see a list of incidents displayed on the screen by default.

list of incidents

In the left pane, you can see the main Menu.

  • Case List
  • Alerts
  • Tasks
  • Dashboards
  • Search
  • Organization

Clicking on the arrow will switch you back to the image view.


Top Menu#

On the top of the page are the following options:

  • Defaults
  • Quick Filters
  • Auto Refresh
  • Stats
  • Filter


It displays the default view.

  1. Click on Default. A list is displayed.

    default view

    To Save a view:

  2. Click Save view As.

    A new window opens.

  3. Click Confirm.

    save current view

To Manage views:

  1. Click the default button.
  2. Click Manage Views from the list.

    manage custom tags

A new page opens. It has the Name of the view and the corresponding Actions.

  1. Click the ellipsis (...) corresponding to the name of the view.
  2. Select the action. e.g. Delete

manage views

Quick Filters#

To apply Quick filter:

  1. Click the quick filter option.

The list displays options to select.

quick filters

Auto refresh#

The auto-refresh option allows you to automatically refresh a page.

To perform Auto refresh:

  1. On the list of incidents page, switch on the Auto refresh toggle button.

auto refresh


To view Stats:

  1. On the cases list page, switch on the Stats toggle button.

The stats are displayed.



To apply filter:

  1. On the cases list page, switch on the Filters button.

  2. Click Add filters.

    Apply Filter to the required field.

    apply filters

  3. Select the filters from the list.

  4. Click Apply filters.
  5. (Optional) Click Clear filters to clear all applied filters.