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Backup and restore data#

All persistent data is stored in an Elasticsearch database. The backup and restore procedures are the ones that are detailed in Elasticsearch documentation.

Note: you may have to adapt your indices in the examples below. To find the right index, use the following command :

curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v'

To save all your data you only need to backup the last indice. For example, if the previous command gives you the following results, all your data belongs to cortex_1.

In the rest of this document, ensure to change to your own last index in order to backup or restore all your data.

1. Create a backup repository#

First you must define a location in local filesystem (where Elasticsearch instance runs) where the backup will be written. This repository must be declared in the Elasticsearch configuration. Edit elasticsearch.yml file by adding:

path.repo: ["/absolute/path/to/backup/directory"]

Then, restart the Elasticsearch service.

Note: Be careful if you run Elasticsearch in Docker, the directory must be mapped in host filesystem using --volume parameter (cf. Docker documentation).

2. Register a snapshot repository#

Create an Elasticsearch snapshot point named cortex_backup with the following command (set the same path in the location setting as the one set in the configuration file):

$ curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/cortex_backup' -d '{
    "type": "fs",
    "settings": {
        "location": "/absolute/path/to/backup/directory",
        "compress": true

The result of the command should look like this :


Since, everything is fine to backup and restore data.

3. Backup your data#

Create a backup named snapshot_1 of all your data by executing the following command :

$ curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/cortex_backup/snapshot_1?wait_for_completion=true&pretty' -d '{
  "indices": "<INDEX>"
This command terminates only when the backup is complete and the result of the command should look like this:
  "snapshots": [{
    "snapshot": "snapshot_1",
    "uuid": "ZQ3kv5-FQoeN3NFIhfKgMg",
    "version_id": 5060099,
    "version": "5.6.0",
    "indices": ["cortex_1"],
    "state": "SUCCESS",
    "start_time": "2018-01-29T14:41:51.580Z",
    "start_time_in_millis": 1517236911580,
    "end_time": "2018-01-29T14:42:05.216Z",
    "end_time_in_millis": 1517236925216,
    "duration_in_millis": 13636,
    "failures": [],
    "shards": {
      "total": 41,
      "failed": 0,
      "successful": 41

Note: You can backup the last index of Cortex (you can list indices in your Elasticsearch cluster with curl -s http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices | cut -d ' ' -f3 ) or all indices with _all value.

4. Restore data#

Restore will do the reverse actions : it reads the backup in your snapshot directory and loads indices into the Elasticsearch cluster. This operation is done with the following command :

$ curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/cortex_backup/snapshot_1/_restore' -d '
  "indices": "<INDEX>"

The result of the command should look like this :


Note: be sure to restore data from the same version of Elasticsearch.

5. Moving data from one server to another#

If you want to move your data from one server from another: - Create your backup on the origin server (steps 1, 2, 3) - copy your backup directory from the origin server to the destination server - On the destination server : - Register your backup repository in the Elasticsearch configuration (step 1) - Register your snapshot repository with the same snapshot name (step 2) - Restore your data (step 4)