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Database configuration#

## ElasticSearch
search {
  index = cortex
  # For cluster, join address:port with ',': "http://ip1:9200,ip2:9200,ip3:9200"
  uri = ""

  ## Advanced configuration
  # Scroll keepalive.
  #keepalive = 1m
  # Scroll page size.
  #pagesize = 50
  # Number of shards
  #nbshards = 5
  # Number of replicas
  #nbreplicas = 1
  # Arbitrary settings
  #settings {
  #  # Maximum number of nested fields
  #  mapping.nested_fields.limit = 100

  ## Authentication configuration
  #username = ""
  #password = ""

  ## SSL configuration
  #keyStore {
  #  path = "/path/to/keystore"
  #  type = "JKS" # or PKCS12
  #  password = "keystore-password"
  #trustStore {
  #  path = "/path/to/trustStore"
  #  type = "JKS" # or PKCS12
  #  password = "trustStore-password"